Deep reds, yellows withoutshame, bold oranges, green,fuchsia and lilaccompeting to surprise.
Coveri has always strong tieswith contemporary art,full of mutual influences.
"Enrico Coveri was a star whoseenergy and vitality was so mucha part of that unforgettable andcarefree decadeof the 1980s"
Enrico Coveri was born in Prato in 1952.He was kind, nice, wordly and a very brave man. He attended the Art Institute and in 1973 started working as designer for Touche, where he had the occasion to express and affirm his own talent.
In 1977, when he was only 25, Enrico Coveri presents his firstcollection in Paris which was the capital of fashion for centuries. It was an extraordinary success thatthrows the doors of fashion worldwide open to him, getting himin contacts with the artistic andcultural worldliness of the period.